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Color Palette Tools for Web Designers and Developers

Hello, fellow artists and designers! Brandon here. If you’re anything like me, you realize how important it is to select the ideal color scheme for any creative project. The appropriate color scheme may make a world of difference when establishing a brand identity, a website, or marketing collateral.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to three outstanding free color palette tools that have quickly become my go-to sources for discovering and developing striking color schemes. Let’s start

Color Slurp for MacOS

ColorSlurp is a MacOS app in the Mac App store. It’s free to install and has a premium version you can unlock for $10/year. For me, I love this app because it can help me quickly identify colors on a client website and organize them into palettes. These palettes save me so much time when I just need that client’s orange color. I highly recommend!

Adobe Color

Adobe has been a leader in design from the start when they first released Photoshop for Mac. They have an outstanding color tool called, well, color. I’ve been using it since the early days when it was called Kuler and they’ve really done a great job making it better over time. It’s a great tool to jump in and figure out what colors would match the vibe of your brand with oodles of pre-created palettes and really intuitive color tools, check it out.

CSS Gradient

CSS3 gradients are amazing but can be difficult to work with. I recommend going to a tool that helps you build the gradient visually then edit the code as needed if the client wants “more red”. Here are my favorite gradient generators.

That’s it for now, keep tuned for more tools, tips, and tricks!


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